Gobi.strap and display case - lunch box


La sangle assure la personnalisation de notre lunch box indoor. Munie de sa vitrine et de sa carte personnalisable, vous ne mélangerez plus votre déjeuner dans le frigo du bureau.

Made in France

La vitrine est fabriquée dans l’Ain à Géovreisset et la sangle à Comines dans le Nord. Puis elles sont assemblées ensemble par des personnes en situation de handicap à l’ESAT de Rosebrie dans le Val-de-Marne (Etablissement et Service d’Aide par le Travail).


- Webbing: polyester

- Display case: copolymer

- PEFC-certified paper card (from sustainably managed forests)


The strap has been designed to be highly resistant and not to shrink in the wash.

The display case is scratch-resistant and, above all, infinitely customizable!


Matériaux :

• Sangle : polyester
• Vitrine : copolymère
• Carte papier label PEFC (issu de forêts gérées durablement)

Free delivery in 5 working days for orders over €60 in mainland France

This Gobi product won't change the world. You will!

Gobi is 13 years' experience in providing concrete solutions to our society's environmental problems. It's about reinventing our daily lives with new routines that do good for the planet and its inhabitants. It's about bringing #fillgood to our lives and hydration to our brains.

A formula that's neither magic nor secret:

Gobi =
Preventive eco-design
Precautionary principle
Made in France
Assembly in ESAT

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