Your environmental impact
Pour calculer cet impact, nous prenons les valeurs d’ACV de nos gourdes et nous les comparons aux valeurs de la référence. Nous affichons la différence ici. Données issues de l’ACV réalisée par la Coopérative MU Méthode de calcul : EF 3.1 (Changement climatique : IPCC 2021) Base de données : Ecoinvent v3.9.1

The impact of our water bottles
All our Gobi products are eco-designed and made in France.
We don't impose any particular specifications on the materials used.
Everyone has their preferences and their lifestyle. Everyone is entitled to a Gobi water bottle. It is up to you to choose from transparent, light, blue or green...
Our role is to give you all the information about the manufacturing and environmental performance of all our Gobi.
This way, you have all the information you need to make theright choice.

Made in France (89100) BPA-free plastic Lightweight75g2 months of use

Gobi.Street 1L
Fabriqué en Gron (89100) BPA-free plastic Poids médium 136g3 months of use

Made in France (01150) Glass Medium weight305g3 months of use

Made in France BPA-free plastic Lightweight 143gafter 5 months of use
At Gobi, we measure everything. So we know how many litres of water or how much CO2 emissions were generated to make your Gobi product. We also know how much pollution is generated by the use of disposable cups and bottles, so we can tell you how long it takes for the pollution you avoid to outweigh the pollution generated by the manufacturing process: that concrete moment when you make a positive impact and then it only gets bigger Read more →

Our collective impact
Since 2010, thousands of organisations and hundreds of thousands of users have been phasing out hundreds of thousands of disposable bottles and cups in their offices and everyday lives.
Grow the movement with us!
KILOS of waste avoided
SINCE 2010
It's up to you to choose the Gobi product that suits you
Gobi.bottle indoor

Made from glass, a French first
With its pretty shape and bio-sourced materials, it is a designer product as much as a wellness companion. Perfect for all your daily routines and interiors.
Gobi.bottle street

The small zero-waste reusable water bottle
Epurée de tout superflu, pour ne garder que l'essentiel. La gourde Street est si légère qu'on ne se pose plus la question de l'emporter.
Gobi.bottle street 1 L

The XXL format, for big thirsts
Lightweight, compact and graduated, our bottle street 1 liter is ideal for those who are careful about their hydration or who don't have a water source nearby.
Gobi.bottle original

The most customizable bottle
The one created to be yours alone. Even if your neighbor has the same
Gobi.street cutlery

The cutlery kit you can take everywhere
At last, a fork that stings and a knife that cuts! Carry them in their featherweight case, made from recycled water bottles.
Gobi.Pack gourde Street et kit couverts Gobi

Le pack gourde Street et kit couverts “Mon Programme pour agir” c’est l’alliance de la simplicité, de la durabilité et de la praticité, pour vous accompagner toute la journée. Bon appétit !
Gobi.Lunch box

New for 2024
The Gobi lunch box has been designed for lunch breaks at work: for take away a home-cooked meal or pick up your lunch without creating waste.
Gobi.bottle indoor

Made from glass, a French first
With its pretty shape and bio-sourced materials, it is a designer product as much as a wellness companion. Perfect for all your daily routines and interiors.
Gobi.bottle street

The small zero-waste reusable water bottle
Epurée de tout superflu, pour ne garder que l'essentiel. La gourde Street est si légère qu'on ne se pose plus la question de l'emporter.
Gobi.bottle street 1 L

The XXL format, for big thirsts
Lightweight, compact and graduated, our bottle street 1 liter is ideal for those who are careful about their hydration or who don't have a water source nearby.
Gobi.bottle original

The most customizable bottle
The one created to be yours alone. Even if your neighbor has the same
Gobi.street cutlery

The cutlery kit you can take everywhere
At last, a fork that stings and a knife that cuts! Carry them in their featherweight case, made from recycled water bottles.
Gobi.Pack gourde Street et kit couverts Gobi

Le pack gourde Street et kit couverts “Mon Programme pour agir” c’est l’alliance de la simplicité, de la durabilité et de la praticité, pour vous accompagner toute la journée. Bon appétit !
Gobi.Lunch box

New for 2024
The Gobi lunch box has been designed for lunch breaks at work: for take away a home-cooked meal or pick up your lunch without creating waste.