Wherever we drink, we throw away billions of disposable cups and bottles. And this experience does neither the planet nor the people who live on it any good. With this in mind, we decided to invent a new use for our eco-designed water bottles.
This positive experience is only possible thanks to tap water. Free, available everywhere, does not need to be transported or packaged, it is the true star that fills our water bottles every day. It is Gobi's faithful friend.
From then on, water protection and its valorisation have been at the heart of our mission.

Although tap water is everywhere, it becomes harder to find as soon as we leave home: yet it is so accessible! To bring it back into focus, in 2011, we developed a mobile application in collaboration with four students from Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Bordeaux Enseirb-Matmeca.
This free application, called @FreeTaps , shows the location of public fountains to encourage the consumption of tap water. All you have to do is geolocate yourself to find water points near you and refill your bottle at will.
The ideal solution for avoiding plastic bottles and staying hydrated, even when you're on the move!

With the NGO Surfrider Foundation and the public water company Eau de Paris, we have co-founded the Action Tank "Paris de l'eau zéro déchet plastique". It brings together dozens of private and public players to pool their experience and devise concrete experiments to reduce disposable waste in Paris.
This mobilisation has already led to the commitment of nearly 20,000 signatories to reduce their plastic waste by opting for tap water in particular. This is also what it means to take concrete action on the field.

Invited by Les Canaux for World Water Day, we tell you about our actions with the NGO Surfrider Foundation to protect water → see the video.