Qui est derrière

ce projet ?

This bottle is offered by the Paris Olympic and Sports Committee in partnership with Surfrider Foundation Europe, Eau de Paris and Gobi, as part of the "Club 3.0 waste" project financed by the Paris 2024 Endowment Fund.

bottle in Gobilab copolyester plastic for athletes

Paris 2024 and the Mairie de Paris are making the environment a major focus of the future 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, which is why the Comité Olympique et Sportif de Paris is offering Parisian clubs support, training and promotion of their commitment to their members.
Your club is effectively committed to an eco-responsible approach to limiting its environmental impact on a daily basis. You can help by using your bottle on a daily basis, and by spreading the word!

All together, in 2022, this means 28 tons of CO2 emissions avoided, 12 tons less waste and, above all, 96,000 liters of water saved.

CDOS Paris

The Paris Olympic and Sports Committee

The Paris Olympic and Sports Committee is the deconcentrated body of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) on the Parisian territory. Our members are the 50 Parisian sports committees representing more than 2000 clubs and nearly 250 000 members.

The purpose of our association is to do everything necessary to develop the idea and practice of sports within the Parisian territory and to propagate the fundamental principles of Olympism.

Surfrider Foundation Europe

Surfrider Foundation Europe has been working for more than 30 years on 3 themes: waste, water quality and climate change, and implements missions to protect and safeguard the oceans.

Concretely, Surfrider Foundation Europe participates in raising awareness among the population, especially the youngest, intervenes to change policies, and offers expertise to protect the oceans.
Surfrider currently has 18,000 members and works to protect and enhance lakes, rivers, seas and oceans with the help of its 2,000 volunteers in 12 European countries.


Eau de Paris ?

It is thanks to Eau de Paris that you have excellent quality water coming out of your tap every day! Choosing Eau de Paris means choosing natural and accessible water, healthy and balanced, at the right price.

In addition to the 1,200 street fountains, over 600 shops in the "Ici, je choisis l'eau de Paris" network will let you fill up your bottle free of charge at their premises. Where can you find them? See if you can see this sticker in their window, or log on to the interactive map.

Find out where to fill my bottle !

Ta gourde

le Gobi Street

- He did the Vendée Globe 2020 with Fabrice Amedeo.

- Its manufacture is compensated in 2 months.

- Made in Gron (bottle) and Raon l'Étape (cap).

- Is made of copolyester, a durable, reusable and recyclable plastic.

- It is the lightest and most suitable for young athletes like you.

Gobi Street with a brick red cap and stickers



Made in France



Made in France



Made in France



Made in France



Made in France



Made in France



Made in France



Made in France



Made in France



Made in France


FreeTaps is an application developed by Gobi with students from Bordeaux and which is used to locate drinking water points around you!
It is available on the App Store and on the Play Store

I download Freetaps

How do you wash your bottle ?



ton Gobi

With the Gobicard and a little imagination, you can customize your Gobi and make it unique. If you have some stickers at hand, this is your chance!
And you, how is your Gobi ?

Your style. your style. your style .