Vous êtes ici sur la boutique pour les particuliers : merci pour votre engagement !
Nous vous souhaitons une belle découverte de nos produits éco-conçus et 100% fabriqués en France.


Corps, bouchon, coque de rechange ou encore cordon et mousqueton.

Retrouvez ici tout ce qu'il vous faut pour accompagner et chouchouter vos gourdes Gobi !

Are you a company looking to do the right thing?

Join the thousands of companies and organizations that have been accelerating change with Gobi for over 10 years. Start-ups, major corporations, government agencies, factories, film shoots... Gobi has a wealth of experience to share and tools to offer to help you make the switch to reusability.

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We deliver anywhere in Europe. Free delivery for orders over €38 (to mainland France). To consult our returns policy, click here!

We use a French payment solution. Choose the payment method that suits you: CB or Paypal. An invoice is provided on request.

Almost every question is answered in the FAQ. At Gobi, we have no secrets.

Contact us here and we will get back to you as soon as possible.